How to find your happy again

Life is hard.  It comes with its highs and lows, filled with mountain tops and valleys.  It can feel like its right on track till it throws you a curve ball and you get a bit derailed; feeling stressed, tired, sometimes even depleted and depressed.  I know the feeling to well and it’s ok!  The good news is that we don’t have to stay in this place.  You will find your happy and get on track again!  You’re mental and emotional health and energy are important!  Here are some positive habits that we can cultivate each day to get out of what ever derailment, sometimes even funk we’re in:

  • Accept how you feel and face what you need to deal with and change in your life.
  • Pay attention without judgement, and realize that all feelings are temporary.
  • Take this as an opportunity with curiosity to embrace the challenge and changes.
  • Be grateful and take inventory of all the positives in your life.  Perspective. 
  • Eat well.  Good nutrition in a well balanced diet will help your brain.
  • Exercise.  You’ll find that the simplest of exercises will boost your mood, release endorphins, helping you to feel happier and improving your state of mind.
  • Enjoy the outdoors, take a weekly hot bath or read a good self-help book.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated.
  • Sleep well. This plays huge part on your mental wellness and physical health.
  • Ask for the help you need with someone trusting with your transparency.

For more tips and support, I do One On One and Group coaching.  You will receive positive motivating support as you are searching for your purpose and happiness again!

Marina F. Butts, Aliveness LLC, Health, Life and Fitness Coaching

Transform the you within!